Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chapter 2: Earth

                 April 16, 2008

   It was Wednesday afternoon, and I was burning up from how hot it was outside. I was so use to weather in Oregon. But I told Pete him, so I can meet his sister. Pete snuck up behind me, and decided to scare me. I guess he didn't know me well enough to know that I hated being scared. He introduced me to his sister, Roxy Green. She was beautiful. She was very tall for a girl, at least 5'10, had long long black hair, her skin was the color of coffee, and she had bright blue eyes. I wasn't sure if I'd get along with her. She seemed too perfect. If only then I could've realized, she was too perfect.

   That day after school Roxy and I hung out at my house. Her and I had a lot more in common than I thought we would. We both had older brothers, mine was older however. We both absolutely loved Degrassi The Next Generation, we have read the Twilight Saga, The House Of Night Series, and we both thought that we were going to marry Leonardo Dicaprio. I wish I would've known that none of the things that she told me were true, but I thought that her and I were going to be best friends for ever.

   My first week at Tucson High was actually pretty good. I already had a crush, and a new best friend. It was Friday and my second  week of school. I was fitting in perfectly!

   On Saturday Roxy cam over. We sat in my room trying to figure what to do that day. We decided to go to the movies, like most teenagers on weekends. Roxy had chosen the movie, it was Moulin Rouge. It was our first time watching it, and it was amazing! We came out of the theater singing some of the songs from the movie.

   That day I found out that Roxy was a skank. She was eyeing two guys when we walked out of the theater. "Stop your singing." she said sternly, "Those guys are looking at us, they think we're cute. I think they might come over here."

   "So, we can give them a good laugh with our singing." I laughed

   I really didn't want those guys to come over to us. Obviously Roxy didn't care what I wanted though. "No. Guys do not care about bad singing. Now stand up straight and look at them right in the eyes."

   Wow. Wish I would've realized that she was a major bitch sometimes! I can it all happening again in my head. The guys came over right away. They were really cute. The taller one had short brown hair and green eyes, the shorter one had sandy blond hair and blue eyes. The taller guy came up and started kissing Roxy, so then the shorter one tried to kiss me. I pushed him away though. I left them without saying another word.

                 April 28, 2008

   Roxy and Pete weren't at school that day, so I was really lonely. Lunch time was like the first day all over again. I saw a guy sitting alone so I went to go sit with him. He was in my English class, his name was Peter. I know, too close to Pete, right? "Hey Peter! How are you doing today?"

   "Good, how are you liking Tucson so far?"

   "A lot more than I thought I would. Pete and Roxy Green have really welcomed me" I smiled

   I should've known that something was wrong as soon as Peter heard me say their names, but I was too stupid to realize it.

   "You're friends with those freaks?! Why the hell are you friends with them?" He was freaked out

   "What are you talking about? They're nice to me, and they were the first to welcome me here." I said confused

   "They live in a haunted house, and they're loners. They act like there's nothing wrong with living in a house that's filled with ghosts!" He explained

   "That's weird. They never said anything about living in a haunted house."

   I was starting to get creeped out. I wanted to go run to Roxy and Pete and ask them about their house. However, the next words out of his mouth left me terrified. He said, "I bet you're next."

   I wanted to go crawl under a rock, and hide from the world. "What do you mean I'm next?" I asked

   "There was a rumor going around saying that Pete and Roxy became friends with certain people, and then invite them over to their house. Then, either Pete or Roxy rape the person, and at midnight they kill that person." He answered

   Right then I was horrified. Peter could see how scared I was. "Hey, Leah, don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be alright. They're just rumors."

   He was a good friend. Even though I didn't know Peter for that long, I knew he was a good friend, and that he always cared. "Thanks. I'm going to have a lot to think about tonight." I said and walked away

   You know, you don't realize how much you care for someone until you're gone, or they're gone. Now that I'm here, (wherever the hell I am) that's all I've been thinking about. Also, the night I died. I wish I could remember that night, because that was the night my soul was taken from everyone that I knew and loved.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chapter 1: Soul Castle/Earth

     Have you ever wondered what it's like to spend the night in someone's house you hardly know, or what it's like to spend the night in a haunted house? Well, I never wondered either until it happened to me. I have another question for you. Have you ever wondered if everything about the undead was actually true, and that the dead was still here with us but it was just there spirits? Well, if you thought that it's not true about the ghosts and spirits, then you're wrong. Nobody really thinks of this stuff until they're dead, or they start seeing ghosts.

    You're probably wondering who I am. My name is Leah Night. I'm going to tell you the story of the night I spent in Roxy Green's house. That day was my 16th birthday, and that night was the night I died.

     I was fifteen years old when I moved to Tucson, Arizona with my mom, Isabella Fox, and her stupid boyfriend, Tyler Hart. My mother made me move to Tucson. I didn't know anybody at school, so I looked like a lost puppy.

    Lunch time was the worse. I couldn't remember anyone's name, so I went to go sit by myself. After about fifteen minutes of just sitting there, Pete Green, the hottest guy in Tucson High came to sit with me! He looked perfect. He was tall, had blue eyes, brown hair that curled, and was sorta tan. Pete looked like the type of guy I always fell for. However, I was wondering why he came to sit with the new girl. I was short, had long brown hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin.

    As Pete sat down he said "You're Leah, right?"

    I love the way he spoke. So softly, and sweet. In response I said, "Yeah, thanks for sitting down. I don't know anybody here."

   Pete said, "No problem. I'll do anything for someone as pretty as you."

   I couldn't help but to blush. He kept talking, "You're a sophomore right?" I nodded. "I'm a senior. My sister is your age. You look like you're in need of a new girlfriend."

  He smiled at me. I said, "Really? I didn't think it was obvious. When can I meet her?" I laughed

  When I was driving home in the hot Arizona sun I smelt something sweet. I looked at the passenger seat, and there was a card with a rose taped to it. The card said,

                                                  "Leah, please meet me after school tomorrow in front of the office so you can meet my sister.

  If I would have known what I was getting myself into I wouldn't have felt so excited.

A Night In The Green House

So, I started writing a book a while back. I love writing, and I want my stuff to be read. If you like mysterys you'll like my book. Check in here every few days or so for a new chapter of my book. Have a nice day!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Please Watch

Please click on the link to hear what I have to say about bullying. It's a big problem now a days, and no one is doing anything about it. Sometimes you may be bullying someone, and you migth not even know it. Bullying can be through physical violence, words, and even the internet. So please, watch what you do, watch what you say, and watch what you post. You never know how what you do, say, or post can affect someone.


Hello, My Lovelies.

So, I'm new to this whole blog stuff, and I wanted to say hello to who ever will see this! As you know, I'm Elizabeth. Nice to meet you.(: On this blog I will be posting a variety of things. Such as: songs, poems, short stories, and chapters from my book. If you'd like me to write something for you just let me know, and I will. I'm a friendly person, so feel free to speak to me whenever you'd like. Have a nice day everyone!
